I have a question for you. Okay. Make it two. I have TWO questions for you.
1. Have you ever been in love?
2. How do you know it's love you're feeling?
Hah! Lame topic, I know. First of all, Happy 2014. (Oh please, there's no need to roll your eyes. I'm not THAT late. It's still January. The Monday of the year.) I sincerely hope that 2013 left you warm memories if not scorching hot ones. As it did me. Did it? Kind of. *shrug* Well, yeah.
Okay. Let's start with the first question. Have you ever been in love?
I thought I have. I mooned over this one guy, let's call him Kyu, as in Kyuhyun, for nine years. NINE FREAKING YEARS. Or eight. Or seven. I don't know. But I can vouch that you can't count the years of the severe mooning on one hand. As I need to specify the situation, let's just decide on nine. During the years, I did have my share of flings, but I insisted that my heart stay with Kyu. Because I thought that I love him. It's as simple as that. For me. At that time.
One day, another guy appeared, (I'll call him Billie here, as in Billie Joe Armstrong). He came out of the blue, and said hi to me. I pushed him out though, because I fancy myself in love with Kyu. He chased, I ran. He chased some more, I ran farther. Then something happened. Something I couldn't even describe. The Indescribable Something. I gave up on Kyu, the very one that I have been pining over for nine years. Because I woke up from my hallucination and realised that I wasn't acting like myself whenever I am with Kyu. I tried too hard to please him that I lose track of who I really am.
As it was, Billie was always there for me. Because apparently the farther I ran, the harder he chased, and voila! He caught onto me. He's been here ever since. With me. By my side. And after all these times, I realised (Don't you think that I realised too many things?) that all the moonings, yearnings, pinings, and the rest of the synonyms, that I did aren't love at all. Just a severe, fat infatuation. I don't forget Kyu, but I feel nothing for him once I walked away. Not a pinch. This guy Billie, I am myself when I am with him. I do what I like. I say what I want. I own the world.
The second question now. How do you know that it's love you're feeling?
Truly, I don't know. I believe it to be different for each individual. Why? Because this;
You are waiting for your loved one. Right when you see his face, there's this fresh wind breezing in your face. Slow music starts to play, and you know it's love. Your friend, who is also meeting her partner, didn't hear anything, didn't feel any breeze whooshing in her face when her partner comes in.
Who are you to say that she doesn't love her partner? *shrug*
I have no idea at all how to define love. But what I know, I'll sacrifice a portion of my precious 8-hours sleep just to talk to him at night. And that, coming from me, means a lot. Because my 8-hours sleep is the most important thing to me. And I hate talking on the phone. But what else can I do. We are 806.11 KM apart. (Notice that I'm using the Metric System!) So yeah, we rely heavily on our phones to make this work. Yeah. Whatever.
All I want to say is that, he might not be perfect, but I am imperfect too. Everybody is. Together, we are perfectly imperfect. It depends on you to look beyond the imperfection and accept your significant other the way they are. I might not know how to describe love, but pointing at your partner's flaws every now and then surely can't be it. You don't change the person you love, but you accept each other, embrace both goods and bads and I think you'll be fine at the end of it all. May we all stay in love forever. The kind of happy love. (What's the point of loving and loved if you're miserable? You might as well jump from a 13-storey building. You have a greater chance of dying without feeling the pain. 13, for bad luck. Meh.)
I think I am in love. THIS is my declaration. What's yours?
p/s* It's flooding here in my country. No potato survived. I would have given you one if I could.