whaddaya want??

Sunday, 23 June 2013

The Superiors and the Rest of the World

Greeting, Earthlings.
(If you're not from Planet Earth, well, I salute your ability to decipher codes. Teach me, will you? However, I don't recommend going here for a visit. We Earthlings just can't cope with outsiders too well. Mean lots, we are!)

Dear whoever-you-are, 
Have you ever stepped out of your front door without ever judging anyone you met? I guess not. Why? Because you're still human and humans are predictable. Why? Because we all have that bitchy little voice in our head, who talk without permission. Yep. But it's not a concern if only that little bitchiness who does all the judging. It became a problem when you yourself join in judging people around you.

What's a judging?
Please, oh please,  PLEASE tell me that you know I'm not talking about professional judges, whether in the judiciary system, or the reality TV world, or the sports field. I am talking about some people, who look down on certain people, just because those certain people don't meet the some people's standard. For example, You has a new hot co-worker at work. As she's way (waaaaay!) hotter than You, You would automatically assume that she's a feather-brained. Without even trying to get to know her. She smiles at You, You just smirk back. WTF You?

I'm a girl, but I'll admit that I have a crush on her. 
Don't get me wrong. I'm TOTALLY straight.

Why do people judge?
Why? It's simple. Because some of us think that they are superior than the rest of the human population. Maybe, just maybe, they're prettier, handsomer, richer, older, younger, cleaner, ___________, __________, __________, and whatever adjectives you think would suit. (Please fill in the gap yourself as I find it quite bothersome to do so. I do not accept SWAG tho!) And thus, just because they think they own all the adjectives above, they feel that it's their right to snub others. Yeah. Because the rest of us are Unicorns.

Unicorns or not, do you realise that we are exactly the same? (Well, put aside the colours, the heights, the weights, the missing organs and limbs.) We each have one heart that beats to the tune of life. We all bleed crimson. We feel. Most importantly, we don't sparkle. (No offense, Twi-hards!) So why do we discriminate people based on what we see? Fine. Some people are certainly too stupid to be considered. But one thing to ponder upon is, why are they acting the way they are? Maybe they met with some sort of accident when they were just infants, knocking their heads on the door beams, thus causing their brain to stop functioning like how they are supposed to. You know, that kind of stuff.

We all live on this sick Earth. Let's just live peacefully, won't we? We need each other, believe me. You need stupid people to look smarter. You need people to look ugly so your beauty stands out. (Let me remind you that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.) Women needs Men, vice-versa. Bosses needs workers. And Everybody needs Somebody. (Get what I mean?) Together, we'll be happy!!

Yeah. My laziness suddenly got over me. Here's a potato.

(Even my potato is full of love. What can I say? I'm a loving person.)

Thursday, 16 May 2013

From a Teacher to Her Students, on Teachers' Day

Uh, hullo! 
     Today is the 16th of May and as we all know, it's TEACHERS' DAY!! Yay! (As if it makes any difference for me. No holiday. Boohoo!) To every teacher on Earth, this is your day. Go do something meaningful. (Why isn't there a special holiday to commemorate this day? Even the event for Teachers' Day are organised by teachers themselves. Tsk. Students these days!) Without me realizing it, it has been a little over a month since I first started this whole teaching business. My students still try my patience constantly. Especially my 17 years old students. I know I'm cute and everything, but asking your teacher out is still a no-no, dear. I'm older by 8 years than you and I'm looking for a guy with money. Heaps of it. (Surely by now you know that I'm a materialistic girl!

(Okay, I'm kidding about being cute. I love myself dearly, but it does sound vain to tell people that you're cute.)

     I'm not sure if my students read this, being terrified at English, as if the language is going to kill them or something. But if you are a student of mine, and you do read this, please, I'm begging you, THINK OF YOUR FUTURE. Think before you act, before you do something rash that will affect your precious future. You still have a very long way to go. This world is a massive place, explore it first, before you decide to settle on something worthwhile. Seriously, quitting school at fifteen to start a family is just, IDK, stupid? Come on, you're only fifteen! FIFTEEN!! Normal teenagers have crushes at fifteen, not spouses! Goodness!

     And dear students, please, STAY CLASSY! Especially girls. Stop swearing, cursing, cussing, or whatever it is people use nowadays. I understand the allure of uttering those crude words, I sometimes "blurt" them out myself. But trust me, you are abusing those poor words. Cursing in every single sentence your small foolish head conjured is just too much! What good would it do you? Maybe you don't care, but living in this judgmental world, sooner or later the weight of these judgements will get to you. You'll pay the price then.

     Dearest students, as hard as it is for you to believe, I do care for you. (Ha! Not to brag, but I find discriminating is totally hard!) And when you got punished for whatever wrong you did, trust me, my heart ached like crazy. Tsk. But then you grinned they thought they were praising you instead. Guess you are THAT great. *smh*  Don't you realise that the harder the teachers punished you, the deeper their love for you is? They come to school everyday, (EVERYDAY!) just to make sure that you get your share of knowledge. (Fine, we do work for money too. But hey, money is essential for our lives!) So why don't we take a little bit of our time, to think of what the future could bring us if we strive to grab it, instead of idly standing here, watching everyone else move forward and pass us by.

     Really, it never occurred to me to condemn you through this post. (Well, if you do think that way.) I just meant for you to know that at the end of the day, the most fortunate of all would be no one, but you. You still have an empty white canvas and you have the chance to decide what to draw on it. Not that I'm saying that we teachers don't get to choose our lives anymore, but our paths are limited now. But you my dear? You have this whole wide world to explore. Go on an adventure and don't let your irrationality tie you down. To the rest of the teachers, Happy Teachers' Day. God bless you.


Thursday, 18 April 2013

I Teach, They Learn. Almost.

          Hello there, dearies. It has certainly been a while, hasn't it? While some might think that I am busily living my idle life, well, I wasn't. I'm actually busy living someone else's life. Yep. Okay, not quite, but pretty close. And that's only half of the story. 'Tis the truth (Pardon me. I am writing under a certain HR influence!) that I was experiencing what writers know as "The Writers' Block". (To those unfamiliar with that, do Google it. If you are interested, that is!) I found that somewhat ironic as my thesis was about introducing ways for students to write better, avoiding this infamous block. No wonder I didn't get high marks for said thesis.

          Back to the "living someone else's life" thing, well, it's not as you think. I don't have a dead look-exactly-alike-that-nobody-even-our-parents-can-tell-us-apart twin to avenge (King of Ambition). I didn't even go under surgery, disguising as a villain when I am actually a good guy trying to infiltrate the evil organisation (Face/Off). My life is simple (Not that it's boring, merely simple.) I am just a penniless girl, whose desperation made me search for a temp work. (Hah! As if I was THAT desperate.) Of all the temp jobs out there, I think mine pays quite high, thus my decision to work. But mind you, the work burdens are quite high too. You must have been waiting, with bated breath I'm sure, for me to reveal my job. Without further ado, I present to you, (*DRUM ROLLS*) Miss Shefa, the English teacher (My bad! I'm not English. I've never even stepped on the English land.) I am an English LANGUAGE teacher. Yes, dearies, I am a teacher. At least for three upcoming months. Sweet, isn't it?

          Well, it's kinda sweet, till I met my students, a.k.a The Devil's Spawns. I'm sorry if that sounds inappropriate, but really, what would you call a bunch of the most misbehaving teenagers ever? Angels are certainly not on my list. Would take me an eternity to talk about their antics. Yes, not all, but most. Now I know why most of psychiatric patients are teachers. (If any of you who are students of mine happens to read this, maybe you aren't the ones I'm talking about. If you still think you're the ones I'm talking about, well, I love you still.) Crazy, yes, but I do love my students. In my own way. I believe that there's good in everyone. But yeah, my students constantly try my patience.

To my dearest teachers, now I know how you felt back then.
I sincerely apologize.

          (What's the relation of all these and living someone else's life? I am substituting a teacher who went on a maternity leave for three months. Ergo, I am substituting her every single job. Homeroom teacher etc, Meetings [ugh!] etc.)

          The one thing that makes me persevere is the thought of the money I'll get by the end of it all. (Besides all those 'cute' teenagers, of course!) I can imagine all the books, the clothes, the shoes, the EVERYTHING I can buy with all the money, . (In fact, I am getting all ahead of myself and made a list of things I'm buying when I got paid. What?! That's a motivation!) At the end of the day, I will be the happiest person on Planet Earth. At least for a couple of months. So, dearies, do wish me well. I still have months in front of me. Cheers to all teachers!


Wednesday, 27 February 2013

A Tale by a Dreamer

     Once upon a time, in a far enough land, there lived a princess. Or so she thought. Well, she was locked high up in a tower after all, so she MUST be a princess. Or so she thought. For you see, this princess, she has never met anyone else. So how did she knows that the ones locked up in a tower were usually princesses is still a mystery (I am puzzled by this though; How did she get her food supplies? She must eat to stay alive, mustn't she?)Something to ponder upon, isn't it?
     After what felt like a ZILLION tries of getting herself out from her confining tower (She must be exceptional in Math or else how did she keep up with the count?),  the princess finally gave up. Oh, gave up she did, but she never stopped praying. Every night, she would sit by her tiny window, waiting for the Evening Star to make its appearance. (Humour me. This is a fairy tale after all. Or isn't it? It's up to you, really! But still, humour me.
     Days became weeks, months changed into years, yet she still prayed. She prayed for her freedom, for her to see the world, for her DREAMS to come true, and for one certain wish. That one day the Evening Star's fairy would hear her prayers. Little did she know, that the Evening Star she'd been praying to all these times, were just a satellite (Guess that makes her a modern-day princess. Satellites, hello?!). Poor princess.
     Ah. So. That was the tale of a self-acclaimed princess. What's yours? (Don't bother to answer. I don't think I am interested to know. It's merely a figure of speech. Just me trying to be nice.)

     Every single one of us has our own dream. I do too (Surprise, surprise! I am a perfectly normal human!). But as I LOVE to aggrandise myself, I must say that I don't have A dream. I have dreamS (Familiar? Keep it to yourself. Life is redundant after all!). I'm sure all of you know that first and foremost, I dream of being rich. So terribly rich that even a thousand-years-old vampire can't compete. (Go read a vampire novel, if you didn't believe me. They're disgustingly rich! Being almost immortal and all.)
      I would (remember that I am now a rich person!) buy one particular EPL football club.  Yes, Manchester United it is. On nights that my club isn't playing, I would attend a Green Day concert. No matter where they hold it. No. That would not do. I'll just pay the band to play for me privately. Yes! That's what those rich folks do. You don't come to people. Make them come to you. I like the idea. (Why do I feel like I'm turning devious? Money is evil! *scoff* Not that I have a halo above my head all these times.) And between the club and Green Day, shopping is also essential. VERY essential. Vital even.
     I just realised that I have too many things to do when I become rich. (Not IF, WHEN. They're very different.) Great. Now I need to draw myself a schedule. That's too bothersome. But then again, where's the fun in asking somebody else to do it? *sigh* That means we are parting ways here. I go my way, you go yours. My plan is too precious to be shared with the likes of you. (I swear that was not me. The thoughts of money made me evil!)

Isn't this disgusting? Eww!

     Now only we get to the point. Unlike the princess, don't give up your dreams. Please don't. Dreams are what moving you forward, no matter what you dream of. Praying for it is not enough. Work for it. Run for it. Sprint if you must, walk if you prefer. Well, crawl if you have STASIBASIPHOBIA (That's fear of standing up and walking. Really, I just can't imagine that!), but never give up on your dreams. There's nothing wrong in dreaming, just as there's nothing wrong with breathing. It's the way of life. What we got to know is that dreams never come true if we simply buried them after a few tries.
      While you are dreaming, dream big. Even if you failed to grab it as a whole, you would still get pieces of it. What's the harm? You still have more than you have at the outset. But then again, only if you grab the chance to make it come true. I remember these words my teacher told me; VISION WITHOUT MISSION IS A DAYDREAM. (Not exactly HIS words, but I heard it first from him nevertheless.) Put your dream on motions till you achieve it, or part of it. (I got to ask this though. Why the discrimination? Poor daydreams. Nighttime dreams are as useless, most of the time.)
      Together (Guess the money demon stopped possessing me), let us move forward to achieve our dream. If you're ahead, felicitations to you. If you're left behind, remember who won the race between the rabbit and the tortoise. Sometimes doing something in haste will only results in everything went wrong. Patience is the key. But I still need to repeat this. DON'T GIVE UP! Don't have a care for my beautiful, wise (?) words, here's a potato.

Friday, 18 January 2013

Sacrifice for Love...

     LET'S NOT!! *chuckle* (Not that anything is funny there.)

     Hello, hello! Happy New Year everyone! (I know, 18 days late. But hey, it's still January! You know how they say that January is the Monday of the year.) And happy whatever it is going on. I'm sorry, but I can't help the word WHATEVER. I think, that word and I, we're a couple.

     Ah. Getting back to my topic of the week. Sacrifice for Love, Let's Not. *Yoda Mode* As you may have known, you know everything after all, there are so many kinds of love. Love for family, love for money, love for work, love for whatever there is outside there. No, I'm not talking about those love. You, who know everything, know that the love that I'm talking about is the love between a man and a woman. Well, if you're sexually attracted to the same sex, yeah, you're included.

Aww, sweet. But no, no cats will be mentioned in this.

     Yes, you love your partner. Yes, you would, YOU COULD, do anything for them. But does that worth it? Imagine this; You devoted yourselves to them, you done things unimaginable for them, and suddenly one day, they woke up saying you're not the one *surprise, surprise*, and simply walk away.  Where will you be then? At the edge of a  bridge? Maybe. On the rooftop of a 13-storey building looking down? Possibly. (Or tons  of other ways to kill yourself. I'm not imaginative in that topic. Suicidal doesn't work for me. I love being alive.) On your bed, with swollen eyes and puffed nose? Definitely! Oh, don't mistake me. I do believe in love. I AM in love (for so many years, though with whom can't be disclosed here. *cough cough*). But to give my everything to someone seems like an idiotic act to me. Offended? I don't care.

     *sigh* I hate talking seriously but this is something I've been thinking for quite some times. Why on earth would you sacrifice everything for only one person? And then go around, mopping the floor with your jaw, with buckets of tears, when they left you. AGAIN, that's idiot, stupid, and whatever other synonyms those words have. They don't want you? Fine! Their lost! Move on! Crying over spilt milk won't bring you miracle. (Do you believe in miracle, dear readers? I do, sometimes. I can't help it. *shrug*) I love you and everything, but don't expect me to help nurse your broken heart. You won't follow my advice, why should I console you then?

     Maybe I am the one with a black, hard pebble for a heart. (Oh, oh, it rhymes! Almost.) Maybe it runs in the family. Maybe, just maybe. My Mum is forever telling me to not give my everything to someone, lest the thing I talked about above happens to me. And for me, that's a brilliant advice! Unless it's one of the Bridgerton brothers (please refer to Ms. Julia Quinn for that!), or one of the mighty Lairds of the Highlands, I won't give my everything. Maybe a bit more than half, or if he's good enough, three-quarter from my everything. So that I'll still have something of my everything with me, for myself.

Our Gerry looks yummy in a kilt, doesn't he?

     At the end of it all, I sound bitter. If you, my one particular friend, happened to read this and feel hurt, think back. Depressing over love is so overrated. That's all. I'll be back. Nananananana...Batman! I love Batman. He's my favourite superhero after all.